Effectively Treat:

  • Trigger points
  • Bursitis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Scar tissue
  • Myo & Viscera Adhesions
  • Tendonitis
  • Muscle spasms
  • Scapular adhesions
  • Decrease Pain
  • Increase Blood flow

Simplify your Practice TODAY!

“My patients absolutely love this tool, they see the results immediately.  And treating their conditions with Vibronix is 100 times faster than any other way I know of, period. It’s the most important tool I have.”   “In fact I have four of them”

Dr. Derrick Stanbridge D.C.

“This is the first tool any Chiropractor or physical therapist should buy”

Dr. Matt Wood D.C.

“My chiropractor used the Vibronix on my plantar fasciitis that I had for ten years and now I can walk without any pain”

Jan B.

Features of Vibronix:

  • 35 beats per second to treat tissue.
  • Smooth glide surface
  • Treatment trace light
  • Lithium ion Rechargeable battery
  • Shock reduction carrying case.
  • Trigger guard for injury protection